Why Most Make Money Online Programs Won’t Work For You

thumbs downHave you ever seen as many scams and shenanigans as you see on the internet in the make money online niche?  There are so many of them that are completely worthless.  And the person selling you that program knows that it isn’t going to help you one bit.  Yet, they are happy to take your money just the same.

Hidden among those ripoffs, there are some products that are actually worthwhile.  There are some tools out there that will really help accelerate your ability to make money running some kind of online micro-business.  The vast majority of those tools and make money online programs aren’t going to work for you though.  Do you know why they won’t work?

Most of those make money online programs aren’t going to work for you because you are not at a stage where you can easily implement the things you are being taught.  I am speaking from experience on this one.  The one thing that people who sell MMO products are good at is the marketing and selling of those products.  They are really good at pushing the right buttons in your brain to convince you that buying their product is going to help you leap frog to the point where you want to be.  That is what makes them successful.

These guys will tell you that they care about your success.  They will show you the testimonials that convince you other people have succeeded after buying their product.  They will push you to buy it now because there is a limited number of whatever or because there is a time limit.  Bullshit.  The whole thing is bullshit.  They are pushing your buttons.  The sad thing is that even though you know they are doing this, some of them are so damn good at it that you still buy it.

There Are A Million Variables To Making Money Online

There are so many variables to making money online that the whole thing gets incredibly confusing.  If the only way anyone ever made money online was to build sites for Google Adsense advertising, then the whole MMO process would be much more efficient.  But, there are a million ways to make money online.  There are a million ways that have yet to be invented.  Every one of them seems lucrative when you first look at it.  Your greed naturally kicks in and makes you think that “Heck yeah!  I want a piece of that pie.”  You are an internet entrepreneur.  It’s in your blood.  If you weren’t an entrepreneur then you wouldn’t be reading this.

You want to learn how to create a little business for yourself where you can run it out of your own home and collect paychecks from it on a regular basis.  Every opportunity to do that is going to be at least a little interesting to you.  You are going to be thinking “Maybe that way is a better fit for me?”  I have been there.  I know what you are thinking and what you are feeling.  But if you buy that next program, you are going to discover that you are not much farther ahead than you were before you bought it.  By buying it you feel like you are making forward progress.  But, you’re not.  You’re not making progress because you haven’t yet made your last project a success yet.

Who Do Those Make Money Online Programs Work For

Those make money online programs and products work for people who are at a stage in their business where they are ready to implement them immediately.  They work for experienced people who probably don’t even need the tool anyway.  They work for people who are already doing something similar to what that product does.  That product might make their life just a little bit easier.

Some of those testimonials you see about those products are legit.  It’s just that those people giving the testimonials are not really at the same stage of the game as you are.  They just happened to be at the perfect stage where that program benefited them.  Chances are that you are not there.  If you were to buy the next ten products that interested you, maybe one or two of them would really benefit you.  All the rest will have been a total waste of money.  You aren’t going to ever use them.

You don’t need to spend a ton of money on products if you want to learn how to make money online on a part time basis.  Your success will be more determined by your willingness to do the work and to keep learning.  If you persist long enough you will get there.  Don’t waste your money on products right now.  Wait until you start making money before you decide to buy any tools.  Then you will be at a point where you are ready to put the tools to use.  Until you have a solid understanding and plenty of experience in this business, any tools that you buy are very likely to be a total waste of money.

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