Smart Advice For Bloggers From Warren Buffett

Warren BuffettWarren Buffett says that deep down fundamentally, people want to be informed and they want to be entertained.  Maybe Warren Buffett wasn’t the first person to make this statement?

I heard him say that a year or so ago while I was watching an interview with him on CNBC.  I thought that statement was profound.  He uses that basic philosophy when considering certain investments I guess.

When you stop to think about it, that statement is really brilliant.  If you look at the really successful blogs out there, the vast majority of them are exceptionally good at one or the other.  They are either entertaining you in some way or else they are informing you in some way.  Some are good at doing both.  Aren’t those the real reasons why you are reading those blogs?

People can be entertained in a positive way or a negative way.  Some forms of entertainment will make you laugh and smile.  Other forms will make you angry.  Yes that is entertainment too.

Why would something upsetting be entertaining?

Anything that elicits emotion in you is providing some form of entertainment for you.  Your brain likes it because your brain loves the stimulation it gets from hormones.  And hormones are released whenever you have the slightest tickle of your emotions.

And some people actually like to be miserable believe it or not.  They sit around and commiserate with their social circle.  This is what happens all too often on political blogs.

It is almost as if the prehistoric human brain (amygdala) is somehow addicted to stimulation regardless of what form it comes in. As long as something is causing your brain to release hormones, you are happy to do it.  Those hormones can come from positive experiences or some negative types.  They get your adrenaline flowing.   They get your endorphins going.

Think About The Educational Aspects of Blogs

Are you reading some blogs because they are teaching you how to do something better?  Maybe they aren’t trying to teach you something, but you still follow them because you want to emulate what they are doing.

Stop reading this right now and think for a minute.  Think about two websites that you spend time on regularly. I bet they fit into one of those two categories.   They are either entertaining you or educating you or both.

Are You Applying Warren Buffett’s Wisdom To Your Blog’s Business Model?

If your blog isn’t educating people very well or it isn’t entertaining them very well, then what benefit are you really offering people that is going to make them want to come back to it?  Is there a way that you can increase that benefit and make it even more desirable to your target audience?  I wonder how much that will help your blog in the long run.

2 Responses to Smart Advice For Bloggers From Warren Buffett

  1. Sandee says:

    No, I’m just having a good time blogging. I’ve personally met many of my blogging friends and some in other countries. It’s been a very fulfilling experience.

    Have a terrific day and thanks for the visit. :)

  2. Ted says:


    I would add your site to the entertaining category. That is some funny stuff.

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