Guest Bloggers Wanted

old fashioned typewriterGuest bloggers wanted who are interested in generating a little publicity for themselves while also helping to educate my readers.  It is going to seem like I have a lot of rules here.  I do have a lot.  I am just trying to be clear so that I don’t have to reject someone’s hard work because it violates things that are important to me.  If you are a real blogger who is just trying to do a little self promotion, then your post is going to be fine with me.  My main concern is that you write good stuff to be published here.  It should be as good or better than the stuff you publish on your own website.  Don’t try to abuse the privilege by sneaking in a link to a piece of crap site.  That is pretty much my main concern.

Benefits For You As A Guest Blogger

  • Permanent SEO benefits for your site.
  • You get to put up to 4 contextual dofollow links in your article. (I think that is pretty generous.)
  • You get publicity for your brand and your website.
  •  You might pick up some subscribers, readers, buyers, etc.

Rules For Creating The Post

  • Post must fit into one of the categories listed on my blog (Blogging, SEO, Social Media)
  • Post must be at least 400 words (no fluff – I want real content)
  • Post must be 100% unique well written content that was written by you
  • You must have an Avatar or Gravatar that I can put up with the article

Rules For Links Out From A Guest Blog Here

  • Limited to four outbound links total
  • Only one link out to each URL
  • Maximum of 2 outbound links to each domain (If you are going to put 4 outbound links in your article, then you need to link to at least 2 different websites.)
  • No links to Made For Adsense sites, thin affiliate sites or any site that looks like it will be negatively impacted by Google Panda
  • No links to bad neighborhoods or to websites that link out to bad neighborhoods.
  • If you are going to be putting more than one link in your article, then you are required to build one dofollow backlink to your guest blog post from wherever you can.  I would appreciate it if you created one backlink for every outbound link you put in there.  All I require is one decent dofollow backlink though.  Do not create a spam link.  Make sure it is a decent link that is going to pass trust and PageRank.

Other Rules

  • I ask that you please follow me on Twitter if you have a Twitter account
  • You are absolutely required to promote your guest post using social media in some way.  If you don’t have social media accounts and don’t participate in social media in any way then you are going to have to hire someone else to promote your post for you with their social media accounts.
  • I ask that you please watch for comments left on your guest post and that you respond to them in a timely manner.
  • If your blog post does not meet my rules then I will either remove all the outbound links from the post, I might nofollow the links or I might remove the post entirely.
  • I reserve the right to modify your guest post in any way that I see fit at any time without warning. That includes editing the content in any way including links.  I also reserve the right to remove the post at any time for any reason without warning.


Please do this:

Whenever I guest post somewhere, I go way out of my way to produce excellent content.  I also go way out of my way to promote the hell out of that guest post.  I promote it with social media.  I ask my friends to help promote it.  I link back to it with dofollow links from other sources.  I publicly praise the person who gave me the opportunity to publish my guest post there.  I try to give the blogger back more than they gave to me by allowing me to guest post there.  I am hoping that you will do the same for me because I let you publish your material here.  Thanks.  Karma is a wonderful thing.  What goes around, eventually comes around.


How To Submit A Guest Post:

Email me the post in either .txt format or as a Microsoft Word document.  Please also attach your avatar.  Please also attach any images you want to embed into the content.  In order for me to add an image to your article, you need to provide the image source.  That way I can attribute proper credit where it is due.  If you want free images that you don’t have to give credit to, you can get them from  The link to the image source will not count as one of your outbound links.  Send it to Ted – at –  Put the words Guest Post Request in the subject field for the email.

Feel free to ask any questions via email about anything that you need further clarification on.



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