How I Do Guest Blogging Differently From Most Other People

I am sure you agree that guest blogging is one of the ultimate ways to promote your own website.  You can generate links, publicity and traffic for your website simultaneously.   In this post I want to share with you about how I do guest blogging differently from most other people.  I think you will find some of my tactics to be useful in your own blogging business.

Do you guest blog for traffic or for links?First and foremost, let’s not beat around the bush.  The main reason that a lot of us do guest blogging is to generate links for our websites.  Sometimes we will publicly say that we are doing it for traffic.  And yes, there are actually people who use that as a primary traffic generation method.  Yeah, whatever.   You can really only say that if you know for certain that the other blog’s target audience is the same as your target audience.  And, how many times is that really the case?  People like you and me who want our websites to earn passive income are guest blogging for links.  Let’s not kid ourselves.

When I see a lot of guest bloggers publishing posts, they make it too dang obvious that they are doing it for link building purposes.  That is one of the things I do differently.  You see, I don’t make it so damn obvious.  Yes I include a link back to one or more sites that I want to promote.  But, I also make sure that I included at least one link, sometimes more than one, that links out to a high quality website that I know Google trusts.   I do that because I want a correlation to be made between the link to that other site being natural and the link to my page being natural too.

I am making a strategic bet on how Google is analyzing the relationship between those links.  I don’t know that they do it that way for a fact.  I am just assuming that is a factor because if I was an engineer at Google, I would be looking into that as being a factor.  It just makes sense.   Pages that link out to high quality high trust sites are probably high quality pages.   The links on those high quality pages should be trusted and counted when considering search engine rankings.  This was the basic idea behind the HITS algorithm.

Another thing I do differently than most people is that I actually try to produce a blog post that will equally benefit the site that I am getting it posted on.    That means I am going to write a post that somehow ties into the theme of that site.  I don’t care if my link on that blog post is coming from a page that is not directly relevant to my page.   I know that those links still get counted.  I have tested it and seen it in action time and time and friggin time again.  Relevance between the page that links to your page does not matter as much as people think it does, at least not as long as the link source page is a high quality page.  Quality matters far more than relevancy in my analysis.

I promote every single guest blog post that I write in two different ways.  First, I always promote it with social media somehow.  I will either Tweet it with one of my Twitter accounts or employ someone else or some other group of people to spread the word in social media about my post.   The second thing I do is note the URL of my guest blog so that I can link back to it from some other place where I can get a dofollow link.   I do that as a means to ensure that my guest blog post stays indexed for as long as possible in Google.   Hopefully, if I have written a great post, just by doing those two things, I will have a post that actually gets readers and sticks in the search engines indefinitely.

I write longer guest blog posts than most other people too.  I do that for a few reasons.   Most bloggers like when you produce a thorough blog post.  It is a sign of quality; maybe not always, but usually.  The happier that blogger is with my guest post, the better I look as a person.  It shows them that I am not a typical selfish leech who is only out for a link regardless of whether or not my content is any good for that other blogger.

Those longer posts tend to get more search engine traffic and rank better too.  If that post gets more traffic, then that blogger will hopefully give that post even more prominence which might lead to more traffic yet.

Those are the tactics that I use and they work well for me.   Here is my favorite place to publish guest blog posts.  Is there anything you do differently from me that I could benefit from?

2 Responses to How I Do Guest Blogging Differently From Most Other People

  1. Joe Seals says:

    I would love to follow these guest blogging tips, but first I gotta get someone to let me post. On my own blog i always link out to authority sites, someone told me to do that when I first started blogging. So that you say it it must be true and a good practice.


    • Ted says:


      Have you tried publishing articles at the major article directories? Those work for generating links too. If I was you, I would go publish a decent article on each one that you can find, especially the dofollow ones. Let me know if you need help finding some.

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